Average summer temperature in Germany 1960-2024
In 2024, the average summer temperature in Germany was 18.5 degrees Celsius. This was basically unchanged compared to the year before. While figures fluctuated during the given timeline, there were regular peaks, and in general, temperatures had grown noticeably since the 1960s.
Not beating the heat
German summers are getting hotter, and as desired as warm weather may be after months of winter (which, incidentally, also warms up year after year), this is another confirmation of global warming. Higher summer temperatures have various negative effects on both nature and humans. Recent years in Germany have seen a growing number of hot days with a temperature of at least 30 degrees, with 11.5 recorded in 2023. However, this was a decrease compared to the year before. The number of deaths due to heat and sunlight had peaked in 2015.
Rain or shine
All the German states saw less sunshine hours in 2023 compared to the previous year. The sunniest states were Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria and Saarland. Meanwhile, summer precipitation in Germany varied greatly during the same timeline as presented in this graph, but 2022 was one of the dryest years yet.