Average monthly temperature Germany 2023-2024
Based on current monthly figures, on average, German climate has gotten cooler. The average temperature for October 2024 was recorded at around 11 degrees Celsius, compared to 11.9 degrees a year before. In the broader context of climate change, average monthly temperatures are indicative of where the national climate is headed and whether attempts to control global warming are successful.
Summer and winter
Average summer temperature in Germany fluctuated in recent years, generally between 18 to 19 degrees Celsius. The season remains generally warm, and while there may not be as many hot and sunny days as in other parts of Europe, heat waves have occurred. In fact, 2023 saw 11.5 days with a temperature of at least 30 degrees, though this was a decrease compared to the year before. Meanwhile, average winter temperatures also fluctuated, but were higher in recent years, rising over four degrees on average in 2024. Figures remained in the above zero range since 2011. Numbers therefore suggest that German winters are becoming warmer, even if individual regions experiencing colder sub-zero snaps or even more snowfall may disagree.
Rain, rain, go away
Average monthly precipitation varied depending on the season, though sometimes figures from different times of the year were comparable. In 2024, the average monthly precipitation was highest in May and September, although rainfalls might increase in October and November with the beginning of the cold season. In the past, torrential rains have led to catastrophic flooding in Germany, with one of the most devastating being the flood of July 2021. Germany is not immune to the weather changing between two extremes, e.g. very warm spring months mostly without rain, when rain might be wished for, and then increased precipitation in other months where dry weather might be better, for example during planting and harvest seasons. Climate change remains on the agenda in all its far-reaching ways.