Revenue of prescription drugs in pharmacies Saudi Arabia 2016-2029

Revenue of prescription drugs in pharmacies in Saudi Arabia from 2016 to 2029

CharacteristicIn billion U.S. dollars
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Statistic: Revenue of prescription drugs in pharmacies in Saudi Arabia from 2016 to 2029 (in billion U.S. dollars)
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Supplementary notes

Data provided by Statista Market Insights are estimates.

Pharmacies are physical or digital places where mainly pharmaceuticals and medical products are sold. Additionally, they also sell other items that are generally found in a pharmacy, such as food supplements, cosmetic products, and other health-related goods. A large proportion of pharmaceuticals are only available on prescription, the rest of the product range of pharmacies is sold over the counter (OTC). Besides selling products, pharmacies also advise customers, inform them about undesirable effects of the products, and detect possible interactions with other medicines.

The Pharmacies market consists of two markets: Prescriptions Drugs and OTC Products. The Prescription Drugs market covers all products – mainly pharmaceuticals – that are only available on prescription. The OTC Products market comprises all products that are sold over the counter (OTC), including pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and other items that are generally found in a pharmacy.

Additional information:
The KPIs shown include revenue, revenue growth, average revenue per pharmacy, average revenue per capita, number of pharmacies, pharmacy density, users, and the online sales share for the OTC Products market. Revenues are generated through offline and online spending by (B2C) consumers and include VAT. B2B and B2G sales as well as other pharmaceutical sales through hospitals or retail stores, such as supermarkets, are not included.
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