Reasons to throw away meat, fish and poultry in Flanders (Belgium) 2017-2018

Why do you throw away meat, fish and poultry?*

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Release date

November 2018



Survey time period

2016 to 2018*

Number of respondents

10,833 respondents

Age group

18 years and older

Special properties

household diary study**

Supplementary notes

*The source does not provide the exact wording of the question

**The source provided the following survey dates for this statistic: June 26, 2017 to March 27, 2018.

***The methodological approach used by the source consisted of literary research of relevant studies and policy papers to establish key hypotheses which were tested by the following research phases:
A household diary study in which a representative sample of 1,031 Flemish households kept a diary for the duration of one week was used to record the quantity, composition, and destination of food waste. The diary study was conducted in four phases of +/- 250 households in order to avoid seasonal, end of year and holiday effects.
An online survey of a representative sample of 954 Flemish households was used to pose questions to respondents who partook in the household diary study regarding their stance towards and perception of food waste, storage habits and eating patterns.
Data from the GfK household panel concerning the actual purchasing behavior of Flemish households was used to map food purchases. The panel consists of a representative sample of Belgian households who consistently register their FMCG purchases via a scanner and was therefore not based on a questionnaire.
A statistical fusion of various parameters was used to used to connect the results of the diary study, the online survey and the real purchase data. Following this, the data was weighted in order to ensure that it was representative of the Flemish population.

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