Revenue of the application outsourcing industry worldwide 2020-2029

Revenue of the application outsourcing market worldwide from 2020 to 2029

CharacteristicRevenue in billion U.S. Dollars
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Statistic: Revenue of the application outsourcing market worldwide from 2020 to 2029 (in billion U.S. dollars)
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Supplementary notes

Data provided by Statista Market Insights are estimates.

Definition :
Application Outsourcing refers to the market for all IT application services in a software production context, spanning from requirement assessments to concept and design of software applications. Furthermore, it includes the development (production), support, and maintenance of such software products and services by contracted service providers.

Application outsourcing allows organizations to leverage specialized skills, accelerate development timelines, reduce costs, and ensure efficient management of their applications.

Additional Information:

The Application Outsourcing market comprises revenues, revenue change, average spend per employee, and a list of the key players in the market and their consolidated revenues. Market values represent revenues that are generated by primary vendors either directly or through distribution channels at the manufacturer price level (excluding VAT). Reported market revenues include spending by enterprises (B2B) and governments (B2G). Detailed definitions of each market can be found on the respective page where the market data is displayed. Key players in the market include NEC, Accenture, Capgemini, VMware, and Hewlett Packard Enterprise.

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