Number of foreign workers Japan 2014-2023
The number of foreign nationals working in Japan amounted to around two million people as of October 2023. It was the first time the number of foreign workers hit the two million mark.
Foreign workers in Japan
The number of foreign workers in Japan has risen considerably within the last decade. Over one-quarter of workers were employed in Tokyo Prefecture, Japan’s capital and economic and financial center. In terms of the number of people employed, the manufacturing industry continued to be the most important employer of foreign labor. The majority of foreign workers came from countries in Asia, with workers from Vietnam making up the largest share at 25 percent.
Population decline and severe labor shortages
Just a decade ago, the number of foreign workers was below one million. That was less than one percent of a population of over 127 million. Today, amid its aging population and a shrinking labor force, Japan is facing severe labor shortages in some industries. A growing number of businesses are reliant on foreign labor, and the government has recently announced a number of policy amendments to attract more workers to Japan. This includes plans to expand the specified skilled workers program and to abolish and replace the controversial technical intern training program.