Divorce rate in Poland 1950-2023
In 2023, the divorce rate in Poland amounted to 1.5 per 1000 people. It is a slight decrease compared to the previous year. The highest divorce rate per 1000 people in Poland was recorded in 2006 at 1.9.
Marriages in Poland
In 2023, the number of marriages in Poland amounted to 146,000, marking a decrease compared to the previous year. The lowest number of marriages was recorded in 2013 at 180.4 thousand. In 2023, marriage rate per 1,000 inhabitants was measured at 3.9 — thus, an increase compared to 2020. At its highest, this indicator was set in 2008, when it amounted to 6.8. The number of divorces in Poland has been systematically decreasing since 2011, reaching 57,000 cases in 2023. For a broader perspective, the figures have increased by over 59 percent since 1995. The highest number of divorces in the country happened in 2006 (71,900). On the other hand, the number of marriages concluded over the same period has decreased by nearly 19 percent.
Government support program for families "500 plus"
Family 500+ program is a systemic support for Polish families. From 1 July 2019, all children up to the age of 18 are entitled to the benefit regardless of income received by the family:
- the program offers support for every family, also for single-parents.
- the funds are paid out regularly, every month until the child completes 18 years of age. In 2018, the government in Poland spent over 22 billion zlotys under the "Family 500+" program, of which the most funds were transferred to families in the Mazowieckie Voivodeship. This program enjoys the support of almost half of the society in Poland. The funds transferred to the families in 2019 were most often spent on clothes and shoes, art articles for school, and additional extracurricular activities. A measurable effect of this assistance was the possibility to develop children's interests by participating in extra activities.