Number of floods in Indonesia 2016-2023
In 2023, around 1,255 floods occurred in Indonesia, up from 1,080 in 2020. High intensity of rainfalls, local topography such as steep slopes, and loss of tree cover are why Indonesia is experiencing frequent floods.
Floods in Jakarta, Indonesia’s capital city
In Indonesia, floods are the most frequently-occuring natural disasters, especially during the rainy season, which occurs from November to March. Jakarta, Indonesia's capital, is one of the places in the nation that floods whenever the season comes. As Jakarta is located along many low-lying rivers that overflow during the monsoon season, flooding has been an issue since the city's establishment. Flooding problems in Jakarta have worsened in recent decades, mainly due to the excessive groundwater pumping that has caused the capital city's land to sink at an alarming rate.
Flood-control measures in Indonesia
Indonesia is frequently affected by natural disasters which claim many human lives. Flooding also has immediate consequences such as property damage, crop destruction, livestock loss, and pose health issues from waterborne diseases. Indonesian flood-control measures are still concentrated on physical infrastructures, such as reservoir development and expansion, water pumps, polders, and canal maintenance. In the near future, the Indonesian government and the World Bank will collaborate to create a nationwide urban flood resilience program that includes nature-based and green solutions to reduce stormwater runoff. These included stormwater harvesting systems, constructed wetlands, green roofs, enhancing permeability and infiltration surfaces, and incorporating recreational aspects.