Death rate by main cause of death in Poland 2020-2022
In 2021, the most common cause of death in Poland was from the circulatory system's disease. Due to this disease, the death rate was 474 people per 100 thousand inhabitants, an increase from the previous year.
Deaths in Poland
In the observed period, the number of deaths in Poland gradually and systematically increased, noting a significant drop in 2022. Since 1950, the number of deaths increased by 120 thousand. In 2022, five percent more men than women have died, which may be related to life expectancy, which is now nearly eight years longer for women. In Poland, as well as in other developed countries, the number of deaths increases with age. However, there was a decrease in infant mortality by 93 percent in 2022 compared to 1980, indicating better medical care and progress in medicine.
Births in Poland
Since 1950, the number of live births has been gradually decreasing. In 2022, the rate was significantly lower than in 1950. Nowadays, women are more consciously choosing to have children, have fewer children, and decide to have them at a later age. The largest percentage of women in Poland choose to have a child after 30 years of age. As a result of this and other events, it is estimated that by 2100, Poland's population will decrease, reaching 29.5 million people.