Revenue of Lidl in GB 2020-2024
What is the revenue of Lidl in the UK? In the financial year ending on the 29th of February 2024, Lidl Great Britain Limited made a revenue of over 10 billion British pounds. The company’s revenue has increased significantly since 2020 when it stood at around 6.88 billion British pounds. This value is due to the reorganization undertaken by the group and the major changes in business strategy in Great Britain.
Lidl in detail
Founded in 1973 in the German town of Neckarsulm, the German discounter’s GB operations turned a profit of 9.8 million pounds before taxes in 2021. Its workforce has grown continuously since the 2011/2012 financial year and crossed the threshold of 25,000 employees in 2021. The company’s entry into the UK market has been a roaring success. Supported by its well-received marketing campaign How Lidl Grew A Lot between 2014 and 2017 the company and its fellow discounter Aldi are shaking up the grocery market.
Lidl on the UK grocery market
With solid double-digit growth numbers through most of 2022, 2023, and 2024, of which a lot of traditional English grocers can only dream of, the company conquered the market and now is the sixth largest grocer having overtaken The Cooperative.