Views on changing the law on assisted dying in Great Britain 2018

Would you support or oppose a proposed change in the law to allow someone with a terminal illness to end their life?

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Release date

June 2018


United Kingdom (Great Britain)

Survey time period

June 5, 2018

Number of respondents

1,073 respondents

Age group

18 years and older

Special properties

British adults

Method of interview

Online interview

Supplementary notes

The original source question was worded as follows: "Currently, it is illegal for a doctor in the UK to help someone with a terminal illness to end their life. An assisted dying law(also called 'assisted suicide') has been suggested that would allow terminally ill, mentally competent people who are advised that they have six months or less to live, to request medication to end their own lives. A request would need to be approved by two independent doctors and a judge, and the person would be able to withdraw their request at any point. Opponents of the new law argue that it would inevitably lead to some people opting to commit suicide for fear of being a burden on their loved ones, and that doctors often find it difficult to judge issues like life expectancy and mental competency. In principle, would you support or oppose such a proposed change in the law?"

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