Average revenue per smart home in Italy 2019-2028, by segment

Average revenue per smart home in Italy from 2019 to 2028, by segment

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Supplementary notes

The Smart Home market constitutes the sale of networked devices and related services that enable home automation for private end users (B2C). Considered are devices that are connected directly or indirectly via a so-called gateway to the Internet. Their main purposes are the control, monitoring and regulation of functions in a private household. The remote control and monitoring of individual devices and, if applicable, their direct communication with one another (Internet of Things), is an essential component of intelligent home automation. Therefore, services which are necessary for the maintenance or control of the household network are also considered, e.g. subscription fees for control apps or external monitoring services. Devices whose primary function is not the automation or remote control of household equipment, e.g. smartphones and tablets, are not included here. Similarly, devices that relate to household connection and remote control only to a limited extent, such as smart TVs, are not included either.

*Regions only include countries listed in the Digital Market Outlook.

A detailed methodology can be found on the Statista Market Outlook.

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