Facebook unique users in Italy 2016-2018
the most used social network, followed by Instagram.
Usage by gender
Facebook is not equally used by male and female users. In fact, it seems to be more popular among female users. The results of a survey conducted in 2018 showed that 42.16 percent of women tended to browse on Facebook almost always, while only 31.67 percent of male users reported to use Facebook with the same frequency.
Genders and interaction
Furthermore, women and men tend to interact differently on Facebook, depending on the type of content. As far as TV programs are concerned, women tend to comment or post more on content related to entertainment programs or talent shows, while TV series or sport events attract more interest and therefore interaction from male audience. According to the same study made in 2017, the percentage gap was less significant for talk shows and news programs: 47 percent of women and 53 percent of men commented on content related to those shows.
Between February 2016 and February 2018, the number of Italian Facebook users has increased from 23.8 million users to 29.2 million users. Facebook has become by far Usage by gender
Facebook is not equally used by male and female users. In fact, it seems to be more popular among female users. The results of a survey conducted in 2018 showed that 42.16 percent of women tended to browse on Facebook almost always, while only 31.67 percent of male users reported to use Facebook with the same frequency.
Genders and interaction
Furthermore, women and men tend to interact differently on Facebook, depending on the type of content. As far as TV programs are concerned, women tend to comment or post more on content related to entertainment programs or talent shows, while TV series or sport events attract more interest and therefore interaction from male audience. According to the same study made in 2017, the percentage gap was less significant for talk shows and news programs: 47 percent of women and 53 percent of men commented on content related to those shows.