Global number of H&M Group stores from 2006 to 2023
This statistic shows the number of stores of the H&M Group worldwide from 2006 to 2023. In 2023, the total number of H&M stores worldwide amounted to 4,369. H&M is a Swedish clothing manufacturer and retailer, headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden.
H&M stores and employees
The country with the most H&M stores is the United States, where there were more than 500 stores in 2023. This is more than double the number of stores in the United Kingdom, which was the country with the third highest number of H&M stores. In H&M's domesatic market of Sweden there were 136 stores in 2023. In that year there was an average of roughly 100,000 employees at the company
H&M in Sweden
H&M was valued as the second most valuable Swedish brand in 2023, with a value of roughly 9.4 billion U.S. dollars, ahead of major names such as Volvo and Spotify. Ikea took the top place in the ranking with a value of almost 16 billion dollars.