Production of tanned leather in Italy 2018, by end-use
Leather tanning in Italy
The Italian leather tanning industry is historically considered a world leader, both in terms of value and level of internationalization. With an annual production value of approximately 5 billion euros in 2018, the industry is believed to be an example of the successful implementation of an expansion strategy that combines craftmanship and technological innovation. In that same year, approximately 75 percent of the leather produced in Italy was destined to be exported, which in absolute terms means 3.6 billion euros worth of exports.
The cluster-model
The Italian leather tanning industry represents a good example of the industrial cluster model that has traditionally characterized part of the national manufacturing economy. In fact, more than 90 percent of the 1,201 companies active in the leather tanning industry can be found in three production areas located in the regions of Tuscany, Veneto and Campania.