Ozone concentration to which the urban population is exposed France 2004-2013

Exposure of the urban population to air pollution by ozone in France from 2004 to 2013

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Release date

July 2016



Survey time period

2004 to 2013

Supplementary notes

The source adds the following information: "The indicator shows the population-weighted ozone concentration to which the urban population is potentially exposed. The main measure for assessing the effects of ozone on human health is, according to the recommendations of the World Health Organization (*), the daily maximum of the 8-hour average. The effects of ozone should be evaluated over a full year. There is currently no sufficient evidence to determine a level below which ozone has no effect on mortality. However, for practical reasons, it is recommended to consider an exposure parameter which is the sum of the excesses of the daily maximum of the 8-hour average set at 70 ìg/m3 (35 ppb), calculated for all days of operation. This exposure parameter was rated SOMO35 (sum of the average above 35) and is used extensively in impact assessments, including the Clean Air For Europe (CAFE) program that led to the Communication of the Commission on the Thematic Strategy on Air Pollution. In 1996, the Environment Council adopted Framework Directive 96/62 / EC on the assessment and management of ambient air quality. The third daughter directive (2002/3 / EC) on ozone was adopted on 12 February 2002 with a long-term objective of 120 micrograms of ozone per cubic meter as the daily maximum of the 8-hour average in one civil year. Annual reports must be drawn up in accordance with Commission Decision 2004/224 / EC of 20 February 2004 laying down the procedures for the transmission of information on the plans or programs required by Council Directive 96/62 / EC as regards limit values ​​for certain pollutants in ambient air. More recently, Directive 2008/50 / EC established a framework for defining and setting targets for ambient air quality and for harmonizing methods and criteria between Member States."

(*) UNECE (2004) Synthesis report submitted by the Joint Task Force on the Health Aspects of Air Pollution of the European Environment and Health Center of the World Health Organization and the World Health Organization Executive Board, EB.AIR / WG.1 / 2004/11.

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