Global: smoking tobacco revenue 2023, by country

Revenue of the smoking tobacco market worldwide in 2023, by country

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Supplementary notes

Data provided by Statista Market Insights are estimates.


Smoking Tobacco includes loose tobacco that is used for rolling cigarettes (Roll-your-own cigarettes, RYO) as well as pipe tobacco. Smokeless tobacco (chewing tobacco, snuff, and similar products) is currently not included. Smoking Tobacco is especially popular in Europe where different taxation levels highly incentivize hand-rolling of Cigarettes. In contrast, in countries with a rather low-price level of filter Cigarettes, Smoking Tobacco's role is insignificant.

Additional information:

The market comprises revenue and average revenue per capita, volume and average volume per capita, price per unit, and sales channels. To give a better representation of per capita figures, the population considered is 15 years and above.

To enable a better comparison of Smoking Tobacco with filter Cigarettes and Cigars, Smoking Tobacco volume is shown here in pieces (one piece of Smoking Tobacco, equivalent to one gram, can be counted as smoking unit comparable to one cigarette).

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