Number of cannabis dispensary licenses in the U.S. 2021, by state
Medical marijuana usage
Medical marijuana is defined as a legalized form of cannabis that must be prescribed by a doctor. Despite the controversy associated with legalized marijuana, many adults support its use for medical purposes. Medical marijuana has been used to mitigate the effects of pain, nausea and mental health disorders. Among states with medical marijuana programs, a majority have seen a reduction in the number of pain medications prescribed by doctors. Of states with medical marijuana programs, Oklahoma had the highest percentage of its population treated with medical marijuana as of 2021.
Marijuana dispensaries
The U.S. medical marijuana business is a highly regulated industry. Unregulated dispensaries also exist but are not legal businesses in many states. Among medical marijuana dispensaries in the U.S., those that were regulated were usually more profitable than those that were not regulated. Regulated dispensaries in the U.S. also have a higher number of customers than those that are unregulated.