Revenue index of the hospitality industry in the Netherlands 2015-2019, by sector

Revenue index of the hospitality sector in the Netherlands from 2015 to 2019, by sector

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Release date

August 2020



Survey time period

2015 to 2019

Supplementary notes

Index value 2010 equals 100. The year 2010 is the base year used to calculate the index value.

* This category, according to the source, includes:
- Provision of prepared small edibles for immediate on site consumption aside with the (optional) provision of beverages for immediate on site consumption.
- Provision of prepared meals for non-on site immediate consumption, such as takeaway.
- Provision of home-made small edibles for non-immediate consumption.
- Provision of ready and/or home-made pastry for immediate on site consumption where a seating area is provided, such as lunchrooms.
- Fast food restaurants.
- Provision of ready and/or home-made ice cream for immediate on site consumption, where a seating area is provided.
- Ice cream sellers at markets, fairs and other itinerant sales locations.
- Exploitation of vending machines for snacks and other small edible consumptions.
- Provision of popcorn for immediate consumption.

It is not:
- Provision of ice cream for commercial or business use
- Provision of non home-made edibles to consumers for non-immediate on site consumption.
- Sales of ice cream from home.
- Vending machines catering at companies or institutions.
- Provision of small edibles in school and company cantines.
- Provision of prepared edibles exclusively through a delivery service.
- Provision of edibles through party catering

** The category, according to the source, includes:
- Provision of prepared meals and small edibles for one-time events (event and party catering) like weddings, feasts, congresses, banquets and other special festivities.
- Provision of prepared meals and edibles which are exclusively delivered home.
- Entrepreneurial chefs, waiters/stewards (freelance).
- Provision of prepared meals, small edibles and beverages to a large amount of people on the basis of a contract like in company canteens, school canteens and kitchens, university canteens, military canteens, hospitals, nursing homes etc.
- Aviation catering.
- Vending machines at school or company caterings.
- Exploitation of sport canteens.

It is not:
- Exploitation of vending machines for food and beverages.

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