Number of commercial airports in Italy 2021, by region
The Italian air traffic stopped by the pandemic
Tourism, food, and art seemed to positively push the figures related to the number of arriving and departing passengers in Italian airports. From 2014 to 2019, the Italian air passenger traffic experienced an upward trend, peaking at more than 191 million in 2019. Unfortunately, the air traffic in Italy suffered one of the worst declines in its history. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of passengers decreased by 72.4 percent in 2020. Over the same year, Ryanair was the company carrying the highest number of passengers to and from Italy, reaching 11.8 million passengers.
Where do Italians fly to?
Italians seem to enjoy travelling. According to the data, in 2019 almost 5.5 million passengers travelling from and to Italy had the U.S. and Canada as countries of origin or destination of their travels. Compared to European destinations the number is quite low; the number of passengers flying within the Europe amounted to 106.9 million in 2019.