Per capita municipal solid waste generation in Italy 2010-2023
The average Italian generated almost 496 kilograms of municipal solid waste in 2023. The average volume of MSW generated per capita in Italy has remained steady over the past decade, averaging roughly 500 kilograms per inhabitant since 2010.
Regional waste generation in waste
On average, residents in Emilia-Romagna generated almost 640 kilograms of municipal waste in 2023. This was the largest generation of municipal solid waste per inhabitant in Italy that year. The northern regions of the country generated the largest amount of MSW on average.
Waste sorting and disposal
The volume of waste subjected to sorted collection has been steadily increasing in recent years, rising from approximately 12.5 million metric tons in 2013 to nearly 19.5 million metric tons in 2023. With regard to waste treatment methods, almost one third of the municipal solid waste was treated for material recovery in 2023.