LPG price in the Netherlands 2010-2024
The retail price of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) in the Netherlands stood at 75 euro cents on July 1, 2024. This figure represents a slight increase of less than one euro cent in comparison to the previous year. Often referred to as autogas when used as a fuel for motor vehicles, LPG generally has a lower energy density than petrol or fuel oil. Compared to the price of unleaded 95 octane fuel, LPG is significantly cheaper.
LPG cars have lower average purchase price
In regard to the average purchase price of new passenger cars, LPG-fueled vehicles tend to be the cheapest option for drivers in the Netherlands. Diesel cars are among the most expensive out of all petroleum-fueled vehicles, with prices more than three times those for LPG cars.
Netherlands among EU countries with highest fuel prices
The Netherlands generally has some of the highest fuel prices in the European Union. In June 2023, the average price for gasoline was above 1.8 euros per liter. This put the Netherlands ahead of neighboring Germany, but below other large car markets Italy and France, which were even more expensive. Fuel prices are primarily determined by crude oil prices and crude availability in addition to subsidies and taxes that may be imposed.