Snapchat users in Sweden 2015-2020, by frequency
age of the users , the majority of respondents who were in the age group between 12 and 25 years used the app. Respondents aged between 16 and 25 who used Snapchat were 88 percent and next in the ranking were people aged between 26 and 35, where 77 percent of whom were users of the platform in Q3 2020.
Why Snapchat?
A survey conducted in 2019 investigated the purposes of Snapchat usage in Sweden that year. The most common reason was to keep contact with friends and family and was picked by nearly 90 percent of the respondents. Second in the ranking was entertainment purpose, picked by 40 percent of the respondents.
Social media in Sweden
The share of individuals who were using social networks in Sweden grew from 54 percent in 2011 to 72 percent in 2019. The percentage of users within the past three months peaked in 2017, when it reached 76 percent of individuals .
The share of individuals who used Snapchat daily in Sweden amounted to 22 percent as of the third quarter of 2020. In contrast, those who sometimes used the app were 38 percent that year. Overall, Snapchat became more and more used over the years. The users’ percentage grew from 21 percent in 2015 to 42 percent in Q3 2020. Regarding the Why Snapchat?
A survey conducted in 2019 investigated the purposes of Snapchat usage in Sweden that year. The most common reason was to keep contact with friends and family and was picked by nearly 90 percent of the respondents. Second in the ranking was entertainment purpose, picked by 40 percent of the respondents.
Social media in Sweden
The share of individuals who were using social networks in Sweden grew from 54 percent in 2011 to 72 percent in 2019. The percentage of users within the past three months peaked in 2017, when it reached 76 percent of individuals .