Primary energy consumption in Singapore 2014-2023
Singapore’s energy mix
While electricity generation and natural gas accounted for about 29 and 10 percent respectively, petroleum products made up over 60 percent of the primary energy consumption in Singapore. Petroleum products are materials derived from oil and mostly converted into several classes of fuel. Singapore’s industry sector is highly dependent on fuel supply, consuming about 74 percent of the petroleum products. In 2022, Singapore imported about 94,522 ktoe (kilotons of oil equivalent) of petroleum products.
Singapore’s electricity market
Over 95 percent of the electricity was generated from natural gas. The remaining five percent were distributed across renewable sources, petroleum products and coal. The use of renewable sources was limited due to the lack of space in the country. However, Singapore has started to install solar panels on its many high-rise rooftops, to harness the many hours of sunshine to advance solar power generation.