House price to income ratio in Denmark 2012-2023, per quarter
The house price to income ratio increased slightly in 2023, after plummeting the previous two years. In the third quarter of 2023, the house price to income ratio amounted to 102.7 index points, down from its peak of 122.3 index points in the first quarter of 2021. The ratio measures the development of housing affordability and is calculated by dividing nominal house price by nominal disposable income per head, with 2015 set as a base year when the index amounted to 100.
Has buying a house in Denmark become more affordable?
The decline in the house price to income index is mostly because of a correction in house prices, as shown by the EMF house price index for Denmark. Meanwhile, incomes in the country have continued to grow. However, that does not mean housing is more affordable, as the average mortgage interest rate has soared, making credit much more expensive for homebuyers.
What is the average house price in Denmark?
In 2023, the average sales price of a single-family house in Denmark was about 2.6 million Danish Kroner. Single-family houses are the most popular dwelling type in the country, followed by multifamily housing units.