![Stacy Jo Dixon](https://cdn.statcdn.com/static/../CMS/contactperson/ERI3088_1692860884.png)
Most popular media pages on Facebook in Denmark 2021, by number of fans
most liked Facebook page in the country, in general, was the page of the Danish singer and song-producer Benjamin Lasnier, with over 4.43 million people liking it. Second in the ranking was One Direction Denmark, and Mærsk Group ranked third.
Why did Danes use Facebook?
86 percent of Danes interviewed in 2019 reported that keeping contact with friends and family was the most popular purpose of using Facebook. Roughly 43 percent of the respondents used it for entertainment and 27 percent used the platform for news that year.
Engagement rates in Denmark
Most of the Danes engaged in video posts on Facebook in 2019.
The media company with the most fans on their Facebook page in Denmark, as of January 2021, was TV2 Nyhederne. The page had over 665 thousand fans. Second in the ranking was P3 – DR with about 581 thousand fans. Among the other most liked Facebook pages within the media category during the evaluated period were BT, DR Nyheder, Kinfolk, Ekstra Bladet, TV 2 ZULU and TV2 – all of which with over 300 thousand people who liked them. The Why did Danes use Facebook?
86 percent of Danes interviewed in 2019 reported that keeping contact with friends and family was the most popular purpose of using Facebook. Roughly 43 percent of the respondents used it for entertainment and 27 percent used the platform for news that year.
Engagement rates in Denmark
Most of the Danes engaged in video posts on Facebook in 2019.