Number of ICA retail stores in Sweden 2023, by region
In 2023 most stores of the food and health retailer ICA were in Sweden’s county Västra Götaland, located on the Western coast. That year, the number amounted to 227 stores. In Västra Götaland, the company also generated its highest revenue of just over 30 billion Swedish kronor. By comparison, in Stockholm county, there were 186 ICA retail stores, reaching a revenue of roughly 28 billion Swedish kronor.
Another large grocery retail group in Sweden is the Axfood Group, operating for example chains such as Willys, Hemköp and Axfood Snabbgross. In the same year, most stores were in Västra Götaland as well, reaching a number of 200, while in Stockholm, the number amounted to 163. In terms of revenue, the situation was reversed: it was highest in Stockholm, followed by Västra Götaland county.
Coop Sverige had their highest number of stores in Väastra Götaland, as there were 133 stores in 2022. Östra Götaland followed with 128 Coop stores. The retailer consists of the chains Coop Forum, Coop Extra, Coop Konsum, Coop Nära, Coop Bygg, the Daglivs stores and the online shop The revenue generated in Sweden’s capital amounted to around 10.5 billion Swedish kronor.