Top water brands on Facebook in Italy 2021
brands of bottled water in 2015.
Bottled water
Apparently, Italians love bottled water. In 2018, Italy had the third highest per capita consumption of bottled water worldwide. In 2019, Italy was the leading market in Europe for the consumption of bottled water with 188 liters of bottled water consumed per person and Germany was the second largest consumer of bottled water with 175 liters consumed per person. Between 2010 and 2019, the consumption of packaged water in Italy increased significantly, reaching its peak at 12.1 billion liters in 2017.
No bubbles, please
The Italian market of bottled water is dominated by still water. In 2019, 9.3 billion liters of still water were consumed, while consumption of bottled sparkling water was about half of this, at 4.2 billion liters.
In the Italian ranking of most popular water brands on Facebook, Levissima ranked first with almost 237.16 thousand fans, followed by Ferrarelle with 212.32 thousand fans. Vitasnella came third with around 189.45 thousand fans. Italy counted over two hundred Bottled water
Apparently, Italians love bottled water. In 2018, Italy had the third highest per capita consumption of bottled water worldwide. In 2019, Italy was the leading market in Europe for the consumption of bottled water with 188 liters of bottled water consumed per person and Germany was the second largest consumer of bottled water with 175 liters consumed per person. Between 2010 and 2019, the consumption of packaged water in Italy increased significantly, reaching its peak at 12.1 billion liters in 2017.
No bubbles, please
The Italian market of bottled water is dominated by still water. In 2019, 9.3 billion liters of still water were consumed, while consumption of bottled sparkling water was about half of this, at 4.2 billion liters.