Wales: average curricular physical education (PE) provided per week 2000-2018
The School Sport Survey is an online survey of school student’s sports participation undertaken by Sports Wales (Chwaraeon Cymru), the national organisation responsible for developing and promoting sport and physical activity in Wales, to assess the provision and the participation of Physical Education (PE) and sport within schools in Wales. The latest School Sport Surveys, taking place in 2018, asked pupils to complete a questionnaire on their participation and attitudes towards PE and sport. In addition a member of PE staff from each school was asked to complete a questionnaire on PE and sports provision at their school. The data from this survey enables Sport Wales and its partners to monitor school participation and track the provision of PE and school sport, and attitudes of teachers and pupils towards PE and sport in Wales. The objective of this survey is to provide a base of evidence from which sports policies and practices are can be developed.
These data focuses on pupils within mainstream schools, in Years 3-11, with respondents categorised into either primary or secondary schools denoting Years 3-6, and Years 7-11 respectively. The latest school sports survey, undertaken in 2017/2018, surveyed 118,893 Year 3-11 pupils and 1,055 teachers. This was an increase from the 115,039 pupils surveyed within the previous school sports survey, undertaken in 2015 which itself was an increase on the numbers taking part in 2013.
The statistic illustrates the average time per week school pupils spent undertaking curricular PE lessons in Wales from 2000/2001 to 2017/2018; categorised into primary and secondary school. From 2000/2001 it can be seen that the number of minutes spent undertaking curricular PE lessons within primary schools in Wales saw a steady increase year on year from an average of 86 minutes per week in 2000/2001 to a maximum average length of 115 minutes per week in 2008/2009. Since 2008/2009 the number of minutes spent undertaking curricular PE lessons within primary schools in Wales has shown a decline to an average of 99 minutes per week in 2017/2018.Conversely the same trend cannot be observed within the average number of minutes spent undertaking curricular PE lessons within secondary schools in Wales, which has shown a consistent decrease from 103 minutes per week in 2000/2001 to a minimum of 95 minutes per week in 2017/2018.