Per capita consumption of mushrooms in Germany 2005/06-2022/23
In 2022/23, an average of around 1.9 kilograms of mushrooms were consumed per capita in Germany. The consumption per person has remained almost constant at two kilograms a year, within this timeframe.
Mushroom picking is a popular pastime and there are many regions in the country that are well-known among fans, for example around Hamburg and Berlin, as well as Bavaria and Thuringia.
Vegetable consumption
In terms of vegetables consumed in Germany, mushrooms were somewhere in the middle on the list, while the top three were tomatoes (which are technically not a 100 percent vegetable, but they are called Fruchtgemüse in German – literal translation being “fruit vegetable”), carrots or beetroots and onions. In total, mushroom consumption in Germany has remained stable, with 157 thousand tons consumed in 2021/2022.
Poland top mushroom exporter
Germany is not, however, the leading mushroom exporter worldwide. That title belongs to Poland, followed by Canada and the Netherlands. Globally, total production of mushrooms and truffles amounted to around 44.2 million metric tons.