Aviva segmental income: UK & Ireland life and general insurance 2014-2022

Segmental income for Aviva Plc life and general insurance segments in the United Kingdom (UK) and Ireland from 2014 to 2022

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Release date

March 2023


Ireland, United Kingdom

Survey time period

2014 to 2022

Supplementary notes

The source added the following information: 2017: "Total reported income, excluding inter-segment revenue, includes £26,949 million from the United Kingdom (Aviva plc’s country of domicile). Income is attributed on the basis of geographical origin which does not differ materially from revenue by geographical destination, as most risks are located in the countries where the contracts were written."

2018: "Total reported income, excluding inter-segment revenue, includes £4,412 million from the United Kingdom (Aviva plc’s country of domicile). Income is attributed on the basis of geographical origin which does not differ materially from revenue by geographical destination, as most risks are located in the countries where the contracts were written."

2019: "Total reported income, excluding inter-segment revenue, includes £39,041 million from the United Kingdom (Aviva plc’s country of domicile). Income is attributed on the basis of geographical origin which does not differ materially from revenue by geographical destination, as most risks are located in the countries where the contracts were written."

2020: "Total reported income, excluding inter-segment revenue, includes £26,051 million from the United Kingdom (Aviva plc’s country of domicile). Income is attributed on the basis of geographical origin which does not differ materially from revenue by geographical destination, as most risks are located in the countries where the contracts were written."

2021: "Total reported income, excluding inter-segment revenue, includes £28,320 million from the United Kingdom (Aviva plc’s country of domicile). Income is attributed on the basis of geographical origin which does not differ materially from revenue by geographical destination, as most risks are located in the countries where the contracts were written."

2022: "Total reported income, excluding inter-segment revenue, includes £23,193 million from the United Kingdom (Aviva plc’s country of domicile). Income is attributed on the basis of geographical origin which does not differ materially from revenue by geographical destination, as most risks are located in the countries where the contracts were written."

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