Social media penetration SEA 2024, by country
As of July 2024, social media usage penetration in Singapore reached close to 85 percent, followed by Malaysia at 78.7 percent. In contrast, Indonesia, the Southeast Asia's most populous country, had a social media penetration of around 56 percent that year.
Social media engagement in APAC region
Chinese citizens have a sizable online presence, with about one billion active social media users in 2023. In terms of social media activity, other Asia-Pacific countries and regions appeared to lag behind China. India and Indonesia, the second and third most populous countries in terms of social media, had more than 467 and 167 million active social media users, respectively. In terms of traffic, Facebook was the most popular social media platform in Southeast Asia in 2022, with the highest share in Timor-Leste at around 99.6 percent. Other international platforms with significant market shares in Southeast Asian markets in 2022 included YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.
Social media user penetration APAC
Brunei, Malaysia, and South Korea had the highest active social media user penetration rates in the Asia-Pacific region as of February 2022. In comparison, highly populated countries like Indonesia, China, and India showcased lower rates, indicating untapped growth potential for the social media market. At the same time, internet users in Indonesia came second only to those in the Philippines in regard to daily time spent on social media, with users in the Philippines spending on average four hours a day using social media platforms. In comparison, in the same year, internet users in Japan spent around 50 minutes per day on social media.