New Look annual revenue 2016-2024
This graph depicts the New Look's revenue across the time period of 2016 to 2024. In the latest year reported, the company recorded a revenue of 769.2 million british pounds.
New Look has been part of the UK’s clothing market since 1969, but the past few years have seriously challenged the fashion retailer’s high street presence, resulting in a number of store closures across the town centres of the United Kingdom. Following the poor sales performance the retailer reported for the financial year 2018, New Look announced an approval for a Company Voluntary Agreement (CVA), which meant significant restructuring of the company, including store closures and exiting the Chinese and Middle Eastern markets.
Where does New Look operate?
After closing stores in Asia, New Look generates almost all of its revenue in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland, where combined New Look received over 820 million pounds of revenue in 2023. Germany was the only other market from which New Look made a significant amount of money, with a negligible total was generated from the rest of the world.
New Look's improved revenues of 845 million British pounds in 2023 were not enough to deliver profits. In the previous year the company made a modest profit of 1.7 million pounds, this figure fell to a loss of 53 million pounds in the most recent financial year. Profits have fluctuated over the past years, but overall the high street retailer has struggled to produce significant financial success.