Annual volume of beer consumed per capita in Hungary 2008-2023
In 2023, the volume of beer consumption per capita in Hungary amounted to 64 liters, marking a decrease compared to the previous years. At the same time, the total beer consumption in the country was measured at approximately 6.2 million hectoliters.
Beer production
As of 2023, there were 75 breweries in Hungary, including microbreweries, and the volume of beer produced in the country totaled 5.2 million hectoliters. In 2022, Heineken Hungária was the biggest beer producer in Hungary, generating revenue worth over 76 billion forints. It was followed by Dreher Sörgyárak while Borsodi Sörgyár ranked third.
Alcoholic drinks in Hungary
Beer has been the most consumed alcoholic beverage in Hungary, despite the country's long-standing tradition of wine production. Beer has also been the highest-performing segment of the alcoholic drinks market considering revenue. However, the beer market is forecast to expand at a slower pace over the upcoming years.