ATM number in Sweden 2000-2023
The lowest number of ATMs in Sweden was recorded in 2023 when there were only two thousand of them. The trend in Sweden is going towards cashless payments. In 2022, only eight percent had paid with cash for their most recent purchase, compared to 39 percent in 2010. According to a survey from 2018, 70 percent stated that they would be able to cope without cash at the present state.
Debit card payments taking over
More common in Sweden is the use of debit card payments. As of 2020, 92 percent of Swedes used debit cards, and the user share remained unchanged since 2014. The number of debit card payments in the country increased every year since 2009, and in 2019 there were over three billion payments made with debit card.
Credit cards less common
In Sweden the use of credit cards is not that common. As with debit cards, the share of people who use credit cards has been unchanged since 2014, reaching only 31 percent during those years. The transaction value of card payments was also lower for credit cards than for debit cards in 2018: around 277 billion Swedish kronor for credit cards, while it was 802 billion for debit card transactions.