Worldwide video news consumption 2016, by country

Weekly video news consumption in selected countries worldwide as of February 2016

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Release date

June 2016



Survey time period

end of January/beginning of February 2016

Method of interview

Online survey

Supplementary notes

Sample sizes: Australia: n = 2,021, Austria: n = 2,000, Belgium: n = 2,018, Brazil (representative of urban population only): n = 2,001, Canada: n = 2,011, Czechia: n = 2,014, Denmark: n = 2,020, Finland: n = 2,041, France: n = 2,162, Germany n = 2,035, Greece: n = 2,036, Hungary: n = 2,056, Italy: n = 2,195, Ireland: n = 2,003, Japan: n = 2,011, Netherlands: n = 2,006, Norway: n = 2,019, Poland: n = 2,000, Portugal: n = 2,018, South Korea: n = 2,147, Spain: n = 2,104, Sweden: n = 2,030, Switzerland: n = 2,004, Turkey (representative of urban population only): n = 2,157, United Kingdom: n = 2,024, United States: n = 2,197.

The source did not provide information on the age of the respondents.
The source also made the following remarks:
1. "Our survey was conducted online and as such the results will under-represent the consumption habits of people who are not online (typically older, less affluent, and with limited formal education)."
2. "As this survey deals with news consumption, we filtered out anyone who said that they had not consumed any news in the past month, in order to ensure that irrelevant responses didn’t adversely affect data quality. This category averaged 3.5% but was as high as 13% in Canada."
3. "The data were weighted to targets based on census/industry accepted data, such as age, gender and region, to represent the total population of each country. The sample is reflective of the population that has access to the internet."

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