Internet usage for information on clothing, fashion and shoes in Germany 2010-2013

Number of internet users who used the internet as a source of information for clothing, fashion and shoes in Germany from 2010 to 2013, by usage frequency

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Release date

October 2013



Survey time period

2010 to 2013

Age group

14-69 years

Special properties

German-speaking internet users

Method of interview

Face-to-face interview

Supplementary notes

Information on base:
German-speaking population age 14 to 69 in private households, at main residence in the Federal Republic of Germany.

Information on random sample:
2010: 9,036 respondents, projected to a population of 54.21 million
2011: 8,639 respondents, projected to a population of 53.34 million
2012: 8,213 respondents, projected to a population of 53.03 million
2013: 7,410 respondents, projected to a population of 52.60 million

Information on target group "German-speaking internet users":
2010: projected to 41.8 million people
2011: projected to 42.69 million people
2012: projected to 44.22 million people
2013: projected to 45.17 million people

This question was phrased by the source as follows: "There are several offers on the internet. There is a selection on these cards. How often do you use these offers? Please organize the cards on this sheet: information on clothing, fashion, shoes." (original German question: "Es gibt ja ganz verschiedene Angebote im Internet. Hier auf diesen Karten steht eine Auswahl. Wie oft nutzen Sie diese Angebote? Bitte verteilen Sie die Karten entsprechend auf das Bildblatt hier, Sie sehen ja, was da steht: Informationen über Kleider, Mode, Schuhe."

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