Online TV viewing: share of monthly U.S. viewers in 2014, by age
Digital TV consumption – additional information
Today’s online and digital media belong to the millennial generation. Television is no exception. Approximately half of online adults watching TV programming online were between the ages of 18 to 34 years, compared to the four percent of 65-year-olds. Consumers in the United States prefer watching original TV programming on the internet mostly because they can do so on their own time, which means they are not tied to the TV set or schedule. Convenience is key, however, being able to skip commercials or binge watch their favorite show is also important to consumers. While internet TV access is spread throughout the entire day, more Americans choose to watch TV shows online after work, between 6 pm and midnight.
On average, younger Millennials spend 33 percent of their TV watching time with online TV sources. Those aged between 25 and 34 years devote 23 percent of that time to internet TV. It seems the younger the consumer the more time they spend viewing online television, judging by the fact that the next age group, 34 to 44-year-olds, spent 10 percent less time with online TV. Most Millennials admit that their online TV viewing has changed. Surveys show that, while 56 percent of the older generation respondents say they don’t watch any TV programming online, 37 percent of Millennials state they are now streaming television programs more than a year earlier. In a typical week, this translates into more than four hours spent viewing TV programming on the internet for 34 percent of Millennials.