Ruble EUR/RUB FX rate, up until Dec 30, 2024
the USD to ruble value also declined in February and March 2022.
In March 2022, one euro could increasingly buy fewer Russian rubles according to the EUR to RUB exchange rate history. Figures have somewhat recovered since. A value of 109.00 ruble per single euro as observed on December 30, 2024 resembled exchange rates found in the mid-2010s. Despite significant drops in 2015 and 2017, the rate grew on average until then. At the end of 2020, one euro could buy roughly 90 Russian rubles - a value that was over twice as high as it was in 2009. Noticeable is the large increase during 2020, amidst the coronavirus pandemic: in the space of three months, the exchange rate grew by roughly 13 Russian rubles. Like the euro,