Reasons for fundraising through equity-based crowdfunding in United Kingdom (UK) 2014

Fundraisers' reasons for choosing equity-based crowdfunding in the United Kingdom (UK) as of 2014

CharacteristicVery importantImportantNeither important nor unimportantUnimportantVery unimportant
Transparency 47% 37% 13% 3% 0%
I can raise money on my own terms 46% 38% 13% 0% 3%
Easier to get funded than through traditional channels 41% 41% 10% 8% 0%
Speed 39% 47% 11% 3% 0%
More control 39% 39% 16% 5% 0%
Unable to source funding locally 32% 34% 16% 11% 8%
Ease of use 30% 57% 14% 0% 0%
Unable to get funding elsewhere 29% 34% 18% 13% 5%
Better service 24% 37% 26% 11% 3%
Non-financial benefits 22% 32% 32% 14% 0%
Because the money comes from individuals 16% 29% 42% 8% 5%
Curiosity 10% 23% 33% 13% 21%
Created with Highcharts 7.2.2Share of respondents47%47%46%46%41%41%39%39%39%39%32%32%30%30%29%29%24%24%22%22%16%16%10%10%37%37%38%38%41%41%47%47%39%39%34%34%57%57%34%34%37%37%32%32%29%29%23%23%13%13%13%13%10%10%11%11%16%16%16%16%14%14%18%18%26%26%32%32%42%42%33%33%3%3%0%0%8%8%3%3%5%5%11%11%0%0%13%13%11%11%14%14%8%8%13%13%0%0%3%3%0%0%0%0%0%0%8%8%0%0%5%5%3%3%0%0%5%5%21%21%Very importantImportantNeither important nor unimportantUnimportantVery unimportantTransparencyI can raise money on my own termsEasier to get funded than through traditional channelsSpeedMore controlUnable to source funding locallyEase of useUnable to get funding elsewhereBetter serviceNon-financial benefitsBecause the money comes from individualsCuriosity
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Release date

November 2014


United Kingdom

Survey time period

March to September 2014

Special properties

primary industry figures as well as extensive surveys of businesses and consumers

Supplementary notes

Shares might not add up to 100 percent due to rounding.

The source defines equity-based crowdfunding as "the sale of a stake in a business to a number of investors in return for their investment".

The source adds the following information: Four stages of research activity were carried out from March to September 2014. (1) Stage one involved collecting primary transactional data directly from alternative finance platforms. (2) Stage two consisted of designing and distributing model-specific questionnaires to survey funders and fundraisers of alternative finance. In total 15,658 users were surveyed. (3) Stage three conducted in association with ACCA and PwC included two external national surveys to understand the level of awareness among consumers of alternative finance. 2,007 consumers and 506 SMEs were surveyed. (4) Stage four was the industry-wide tracking survey among UK crowdfunding associations and P2P associations to gather industrial figures for year 2014. Transactional data was collected for quarters one to three of 2014."

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