BBC iPlayer requests monthly in the United Kingdom (UK) 2014-2016, by device

Number of BBC iPlayer requests monthly in the United Kingdom (UK) from January 2014 to March 2016, by device

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Release date

April 2016


United Kingdom

Survey time period

January 2014 to March 2016

Supplementary notes

* Include Freeview and Freesat smart TVs, set-top-boxes and devices like Roku and blu-ray DVD players.
** Include Virgin Media, Sky, YouView and BT Vision.
*** Comprise Sony PS3, Nintendo Wii and Microsoft XBox 360.
**** Mostly due to online radio services such as the TuneIn radio app, which we are currently unable to classify accurately by device.

The source provides the following information:
- Unless specified otherwise, figures include requests for both on-demand catch-up (streams and downloads), or views of live simulcasts. We cannot report download playback due to data privacy restrictions.
- All data is for the UK only and excludes listening outside the UK.
- This data includes requests via BBC iPlayer on any BBC website - whether on a programme, channel or station page, via the pop-out console, or on the BBC iPlayer website itself.
- This report does not include requests for web-only content (such as online news or sport coverage) - only requests for full-length programmes which have been transmitted on a TV channel or radio station.
- BBC iPlayer stats measurement was under-representing radio data up to mid-January 2013, when a problem was corrected.

Additional survey methodology can be found on page 9 of the report.

Data previous to October 2014 published in earlier versions of the report.

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