Biggest global M&A deals as of May 2024
As of May 2024, the acquisition of Mannesmann AG by Vodafone Air Touch PLC in 1999 was the largest all-time merger and acquisition (M&A) deal with transaction value amounting to 202.8 billion U.S. dollars. It is also one of the oldest transactions on the list.
What affects M&A?
Theorists focus on economies of scale and scope, or the idea that a larger company is often more efficient in size or spectrum. Executives that work in the industry are more direct, pointing to technology acquisition or expanding the customer base as strategic drivers of M&A activity. Since there is a risk in any major organizational change, the business cycle also affects the total value of mergers and acquisitions as well.
Other aspects of M&A
Financial institutions play a critical role in the M&A process. These advisors are necessary to navigate the complicated regulatory environment, and they can be well rewarded. The leading financial advisors manage deals worth billions of U.S. dollars. Certain industries are also more prone to mergers, such as the financial and technological industries.