Most valued beer brands worldwide 2024
Corona was the most valued beer brand worldwide in 2024, with a value of 19 billion U.S. dollars. The brand was followed by Budweiser in second and Heineken, ranked third.
Brand value
Brand value is a bit of nebulous concept and different definitions exist. But, at its core brand value is about how much more people will pay for one brand over another and their likelihood of choosing that brand over another.
Brand image
One component of a brand’s value is its image. More or less the personality of the brand, it is what comes to consumers’ minds when they think of it. Budweiser has long been famous for its Super Bowl commercials. Their 2017 commercial, #BornTheHardWay garnered nearly a half a million shares on social media. Prior to the Super Bowl, Budweiser’s commercial was the most anticipated by viewers.