Revenue of the books, movies, music & games industry in the U.S. 2020-2029

Revenue of the books, movies, music & games industry in the U.S. 2020-2029

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Release date

May 2024


United States

Survey time period

2020 to 2029

Special properties

physical media only; forecast adjusted for expected impact of COVID-19

Supplementary notes

Data provided by Statista Market Insights are estimates.


The eCommerce Media market is a sector of online retailing that focuses on selling media-related products through digital channels. The purpose of eCommerce Media is to provide consumers with a convenient and accessible way to purchase a wide range of products, including books, music, movies, and video games.

The relevance of the eCommerce Media market lies in its ability to offer consumers a vast selection of media products at competitive prices, with the added convenience of home delivery. It also enables brands and retailers to personalize recommendations and promotions based on customer preferences and purchase history, increasing customer engagement and loyalty.

The eCommerce Media market has experienced significant growth in recent years, driven by factors such as the increasing availability of digital content and streaming services, the popularity of audiobooks and podcasts, and the COVID-19 pandemic, which has led to more time spent at home and increased demand for entertainment and educational content.

Examples of successful eCommerce Media businesses include Amazon Books, which offers a wide range of physical and digital books across different genres and formats, and Spotify, which provides a platform for streaming music, podcasts, and audiobooks. Additionally, video game companies like Steam and have disrupted the traditional retail model by offering digital downloads and cloud-based gaming services.

Additional Information:

Books, Movies, Music & Games comprises revenues, users, average revenue per user, and penetration rates. Revenues are derived from annual filings, national statistical offices, Google- and Alibaba-Trends and industry knowledge. Sales Channels show online and offline revenue shares, as well as, desktop and mobile sales distribution. Revenues are including VAT. The market only displays B2C revenues and users for the above-mentioned markets, hence C2C, B2B and reCommerce is not included. Additional definitions can be found on each respective market page.

Key players in the market are companies like Amazon, Saturn or MediaMarkt.

Market numbers for the total market sizes (online + offline) can also be found on the respective pages of the Consumer Market Insights.

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