Consumer Price Index (CPI) in China by sector and area 2024
The graph shows the Consumer Price Index (CPI) in China as of November 2024, by sector and area. That month, the CPI for transportation and communication in urban areas resided at 96.3 index points.
Measuring inflation
The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is an economic indicator that measures changes in the price level of a representative basket of consumer goods and services. It is calculated by taking price changes for each item in the market basket and averaging them. Goods and services are weighted according to their significance. The CPI can be used to assess the price changes related to the cost of living. It is also useful for identifying periods of inflation and deflation. A significant rise in CPI during a short period of time denotes inflation and a significant drop during a short period of time suggests deflation.
Development of inflation in China
Annual projections of China’s inflation rate forecast by the IMF estimate a relatively low increase in prices in the coming years. The implications of low inflation are two-fold for a national economy. On the one hand, price levels remain largely stable which may lead to equal or increased spending levels by domestic consumers. On the other hand, low inflation signifies an expansion slowdown of the economy, as is reflected by China’s gross domestic product growth. In recent years, inflation rates in rural areas have on average been slightly higher than in the cities. This reflects a shift of economic growth from the largest cities and coastal regions to the inner provinces and the countryside. Higher price levels in rural areas in turn relate to higher inflation rates of food products.