U.S. employment rate of women 1990-2023
Women in the workforce
There have historically been less women then men in the workforce. Additionally, women face many hurdles to equal treatment when they are employed, such as wage discrepancies, sexual harassment, and being expected to carryout the majority of household and family related tasks even while working full-time.Women have historically been the primary caregivers and homemakers through many cultures worldwide. Despite this, the number of women joining the workforce has increased globally. Women in history faced the additional barrier of not being able to attend university, which barred them from gaining an education and access to professional job. However, as our cultures have modernized, women have been granted equal access to university in many societies. In 2014 in the United States, the number of university degrees awarded to women exceeded that of men for the first time. In 2021, 39.1 percent of women had completed at least four years of university compared to 36.6 percent of men. Despite this, the unemployment rate of women in the United States has fluctuated significantly since 1990. In 2021, Nebraska was the state with the highest percentage of women participating in the civilian labor force, second to the District of Columbia.