Countries with the highest level of Brazilian emigration 2023
In 2023, it was estimated that more than four million Brazilians were living outside Brazil. The United States had the largest community, with over two million Brazilian citizens. Portugal was the second country with the largest Brazilian community, namely 513,000 citizens.
Brazilians abroad
The Brazilian community sought economic opportunities in the United States in the 1980s, leading to the establishment of communities in New York and Boston. Facilitated by the common language and Portugal's favorable laws for the Community of Portuguese-speaking countries, Lisbon became the most popular destination in Europe. This city harbors more than 77,000 Brazilians, with women making up the majority of these.
Immigration in Brazil
Although more than four million Brazilians live outside of Brazil, the country has had a positive migration rate since 2010, meaning that more people are arriving than leaving. One factor contributing to this is the current humanitarian crisis in Venezuela, which has increased the number of refugees arriving in Brazil each year.