Revenue of Deloitte worldwide by region 2006-2024
The revenue of Deloitte worldwide reached over 67 billion U.S. dollars in 2024, with around 36 billion U.S. dollars of that total coming from revenue in the Americas region. Revenue from the Asia Pacific and Europe, the Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) regions combined amounted to approximately 31 billion U.S. dollars.
Leading the way in the Americas
In terms of revenue, Deloitte has consistently ranked as the largest of the Big Four accounting firms worldwide. Its position as a global leader is significantly helped by strong performances in the Americas region, with approximately half of its overall revenue in recent years being generated in North and South America. In 2024, Deloitte made 36.4 billion U.S. dollars from its Americas division, that ranked by region as the highest of the Big Four accounting firms. As the number of clients in the Americas region has grown, so have the number of employees: around 215,000 of the 457,00 Deloitte employees worldwide were employed in the Americas region in 2023.
Deloitte on the right track
Deloitte is an international accounting firm – also known as an audit firm or a professional services network. The Deloitte network consists of a number of independent firms from across the world that come together under the Deloitte brand to provide specialist services to clients. The firm’s origins can be traced back to England in the 1840s when William Welch Deloitte began making his name as an independent accountant in the years following the First Industrial Revolution. Early income came from auditing the accounts of railway companies, but fast forward to the 21st century and Deloitte generate revenue worldwide from services in a number of industry groups.