U.S. bioscience employment by subsector 2021
U.S. bioscience
In 2021, the research, testing, and medical laboratories subsector within the biosciences industry in the United States totaled almost 720 thousand employees, and around 603 thousand employees in the bioscience-related distribution subsectors. In total, the biosciences industry employs some 2.1 million people in the United States. Among companies from the United States, Amgen is among the largest employers globally with around 24 thousand employees. Amgen was founded in 1980 and headquartered in California. One of its largest selling products is Enbrel, a pharmaceutical product that is used to treat autoimmune diseases and rheumatoid arthritis.
Employment in the agrochemical industry and the health and medical industries are also quite prominent in the biosciences industry. Over a dozen of states have a strong focus on agricultural feedstock and chemicals and the number of jobs in this sector have remained relatively stable since 2018. The bioscience industry is sustainable on a long-term, especially with the establishment of high paying jobs that arise from new technological innovations in agriculture, medicine, and energy.