Online education penetration rate in Russia 2017-2028, by segment

Online education market penetration rate in Russia from 2017 to 2028, by segment

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Supplementary notes

Data provided by Statista Market Insights are estimates. 


The Online Education segment is defined as the transfer of knowledge or skills, whether self-paced or instructor-led, through online platforms. This includes the areas of Online University Education, Online Learning Platforms, and Professional Certification. The Online Education segment follows the revenue and user development of platforms and websites in these areas using B2C or both B2C and B2B sales channels.


The online education market encompasses the provision of university education, online learning platforms, and professional certification programs.

Additional Information

Data icludes revenue figuresin Gross Merchandise Value (GMV), Users, average revenue per user (ARPU), and user penetration rate. User and revenue figures represent B2C services.

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